Alive Hove
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 7am to 6pm, 50 weeks of the year.
About Us
Alive Catholic Early Learning at Hove facilitates curriculum-based learning for children from 6 months to 5 years. With a holistic approach to learning, we believe in nurturing the development and growth of the whole child including their physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive needs. Early Childhood is a critical time in a child's development and we are committed to actively supporting your child's brain growth during this time of their life.
At Alive we don’t just enrol a child but the whole family - we build relationships where your family feels valued through structured support and communication to create a community of belonging.
As we are co-located with McAuley Community School, we can provide an educational pathway for your child from 6 months through to primary school. We also have a connection with Sacred Heart College so we can be a part of a child's learning journey, right through to adulthood.
Our location and connection with McAuley allows the Centre to access shared resources on a daily basis such as the Gym, Chapel, Oval, Tennis Courts and the Nature Play areas as well as participate in School activities such as Book Week, liturgies, and Science Week.
Our preschool program includes shared investigative play with the Reception Neighbourhood learners and teachers to ensure your child can smoothly transition to a school environment.
Although we provide this opportunity to those who will transition to the School, you are not required to be enrolled at McAuley Community School to attend Alive. We are committed to ensuring each child is supported with their transition to Reception. Our co-location with the School ensures that your child will have experience in a school setting, helping to prepare them for the next part of their educational journey wherever they go.
Our Program
During your child’s day, they will participate in a core curriculum program which runs from 8.30am to 3.30pm daily, just like they will when they attend school. We provide educational experiences which cater for each child’s unique learning development and our extended hours ensure that we support parents through the provision of long day care.
We believe our youngest children from 6 months are highly capable learners. Our curriculum is tailored for each age group and is influences by the interests and development of each child. Every learning experience is guided by our curriculum, which will support your child to reach their full potential. Our curriculum includes:
- Numeracy
- Literacy
- Spirituality
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Movement
- Arts and Expression
Our Kindy Program
Led by two qualified and highly experienced Early Childhood Teachers, our kindy program operates throughout school terms. Click here for more information about our program and its benefits over other Centres and government programs.
Our Educators
To ensure your child is receiving the best education possible, we employ qualified educators and teachers who are passionate about working with children and families to achieve the best learning outcomes possible.
Our educational leader is a degree qualified Early Childhood Teacher who oversees our curriculum and assists educators to ensure a high quality, consistent program is delivered to your child which is in line with all government regulations and the Early Years Learning Framework.
Fees and enrolment information
Enrolling at Alive Hove
Alive Hove has two intakes per year which align with the school semesters: one at the beginning of the year in Week 1 of Term 1 and one mid-year in Week 1 of Term 3. Orientation and transition visits are held one to two weeks before commencement. Offers of enrolment are made for Term 1 intake in September of the previous year, with offers for Term 3 made in March. If you are not successful in gaining a place at Alive Hove, we will also advise you of this at that time. As children transition into their new rooms and School at these times, there limited opportunities for new enrolments outside of these times..
Children are assigned to learning environments based on their age and predicted school intake date. Due to minimal movement between learning environments, we are only able to offer limited places at each intake.
We have a two-day minimum enrolment policy for all ages. This supports your family and our educators in providing and building important relationships and care for your child.
We are currently accepting expressions of interest for 2025 and beyond.
Offers of enrolment
Offers of enrolment are based upon the following criteria:
- Current enrolments requesting to change days
- Families with siblings currently enrolled at Alive
- Returning families with children previously enrolled at Alive
- Families with children currently enrolled and/or registered to enrol at McAuley Community School or another Catholic school in the area
- New families
Please note: Alive follows and builds upon recommendations by the Australian Government, to prioritise access for children and families who are at risk, are in crisis or are socially disadvantaged.
Offers are also prioritised based on the date of receipt of the Expression of Interest Form.
Joining our waitlist
To join our waitlist, please complete an Expression of Interest Form and send to info.hove@alivecatholic.org.au.
We will confirm the addition of your child to our waitlist via email confirmation.
Please click here for our fee schedule for 2025.
We conduct group tours periodically. Please find the 2025 tour dates below, with all tours starting at 5.15pm sharp:
Wednesday 2 April
Thursday 12 June
Monday 8 September
Wednesday 19 November
To join a tour, please complete our Book a Tour Form.
For more information about the Centre, our enrolment process or how we can best support your child, please contact us on 8198 3200