It is my pleasure to welcome your child and your family to Alive Catholic Early Learning...
We thank you for entrusting to us the learning of your child during this special and important period of your child’s life: a time of exciting and extraordinary development, and the time that lays the foundations for future learning and living.
At Alive Catholic Early Learning, we believe how children learn, shapes who they become. Therefore, your child is invited to take the first steps of their education journey within a supportive and caring environment.
Our belief is that every child is already alive with curiosity, wonder, imagination, and ideas about the world. We are committed to creating positive early learning experiences and recognise that each child is first a gift to their families and to those who care for them. We work in partnership with you to nurture their full potential. We appreciate every family is unique and aim to support each family, as it brings to fulfilment their hopes for their children.
As you get to know more about our learning community, you will come to see that, while each centre is unique, all are places where children are deeply engaged in learning that stimulates their thinking, curiosity and inquiring minds. The spaces, inside and outside, are designed so that children can do what they love: explore, relate, learn, understand and experience joy and wonder.
Our teachers and educators care for them by giving attention to each child, by listening to them, learning with them, and nurturing each with love. To achieve this, we build personalised learning pathways that inspire genuine growth. Here, your child's wellbeing is our measure of success.
I thank you, again, for being apart of our learning community. Our hope is that you encounter a community in which your child experiences care and nurturing, and that is alive with the joy of learning and living. We hope, too, that your family experiences a welcome invitation to participate in our community.
Kind regards,
Dr Neil McGoran
Director of Catholic Church Early Years Inc.